Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Some quick thoughts before work...

This is a short one. Sorry to disappoint if you were looking for meat :).

Last night I had my iPod going on my alarm clock (man I hope that made sense...I have an iPod docked alarm clock, is that better?). Anyway, I was doing some writing and wanted to listen to just music. Decided to make my way through one of my all time favorite soundtracks, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. That Michael Kamen knew what he was doing.

So of course, since that was the playlist I was on when I finally turned it off for bed, you can only guess what it was that my alarm woke me up with.

It was so incredible. I even turned it back on after "waking up".

Just that tiny imposition of music this morning is causing me to feel a bit more epic in my life. Today will be a grandeur day...and I've decided it would be amazing to start every day like this. To be filled with a sense of adventure and purpose. To have beautiful melodies etched in my mind rather than sappy lyrics. To approach the day outside of my own mere existence. Epic living straight ahead.

All thanks to a movie soundtrack. Sweet :).


BenjiMester said...

I'm game for that, starting every day with adventure. That would be marviculously epic. I love that feeling. Hang onto it. It'll fuel the writing. Especially when working on your own adventure story. Happy writing!