Wednesday, November 5, 2008

death and inspiration

michael crichton is dead. my favorite author is gone. when i first heard the news i started to cry. it may seem ridiculous to you but he was more than just an "author" in my eyes. his writing was joy for me, an escape from whatever reality i was in, a challenge of the ideals i held. and more than that, he was inspiration to me. he was a man who actually took passion in each of his subjects, learning as much as he could about each facet he included in his stories. when you found yourself enveloped in one of his novels, the characters and each detail in the story exhibited interest and passion. i loved reading his work.

i think ever since i read jurassic park (my first michael crichton experience), i wanted to be the kind of writer he is. and with each new endeavor into his literary world, whether in the science fiction and fantasy of dinosaurs, foreign political turmoil, gruesome historical legends, medical mysteries or environmental legal issues...he became somewhat of a hero. in the middle of all of those, i came across his autobiography, "travels", and was even more impressed on his open mind and adventurous spirit. more than just a box office and bestseller list hit, michael crichton proved himself to be great.

so now, it may not be as shocking to know that upon news of his death, i began to cry. however, the part in this story that breaks my heart even more...when my grandfather passed away just a few short years ago, i didn't shed a single tear. although we were blood, and i'd known him my entire life...i dont think i ever felt a connection to the man. most memories i have of him just make me upset or angry, and to be honest, those memories are few.

i place a high value on family. but what i'm feeling right now just goes to prove how even the simplest person can have an effect on people the world over. my grandfather perhaps had a slightly negative affect, and michael crichton has impacted me more than expected.

so i guess its just something to keep in mind, no matter who you are, your life is making an imprint in someone will always matter in some way to others...